Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Four-Eyed Fashion


E  I  Z  C  B  M Oooooo (I think)... 1 or 2, 2 or 3, 3 or 4.... wait, can you go back to the last one. If any of this sounds familiar then chances are you are a part of the squinty eyed, can't see a thing, almost blind, contact or glasses wearing committee. Lol!! But don't fret, glasses have come a long way and are now a fashion accessory. I wore contacts most of my teens and early 20's and then I had a kid....yeah, taking out those dry contacts after an unexpected nap (you know the whole sleep when the baby sleeps thing or falling asleep while nursing, moving on) got old really fast. So since then I found myself wearing my glasses more and although they are a necessity, I wanted them to be cute as well.  

I started browsing around online for glasses and imagine my surprise when I found out that I can get frames for less than $30 instead of $200 from my eye doctor. I'm here for it!!! My prescription has not changed for about the past 5 years so I figured why not have some fun with my eye wear. And then one day 1 extra pair turned into like 8, but who's counting!

Between sales, coupons, discounts, etc. I never pay more than $25 for a pair of glasses. Yep, you read it right 25 bucks! Before I found out about the goldmine of ordering prescription glasses online I would generally alternate each year between letting my insurance cover my glasses and contacts. But since discovering this world, I always let my insurance cover my contacts because I know I can get my glasses for little cost and sometimes FREE!

Here are a few that are in my four-eyed arsenal!
*Disclaimer: I tried to go back and find some of these glasses on the various websites I use, but wasn't that successful since I've had some of these for a few years. 

Here is the link for this black pair, it also comes in a tortoise shell color. But these bad boys only cost $12.95 and they are a great sturdy plastic frame that I wear almost daily. I  have had these frames for about a year now and have had no issues. I'm thinking about ordering the other color as well!

I could no longer find the navy color in this frame, but this is very close to it in 3 colors for the low price of $19.95. I honestly don't wear these very often because I feel like they have to go with the right outfit, but they are still nice to play around in. 
These are not the exact pair I have either, but this is very close for only $19.99. I have only had these purple frames for about 6 months and don't wear these often either. I have always wanted a pair of glasses in a fun color and these are nice to add a splash of color from time to time.

These are also another old pair that I bought at lest 3 years ago, here is a similar style for $23.00!

These are another nice pair of every day pair glasses. I use to wear these all the time until I got my black frames above. I have had these for at least 3-4 years and they continue to hold up well! Since I have had these for so long I'm sure this pair is enjoying retirement, but here is another fun pair in a similar style for $29.95.

So as you can see there are many options out there for fashionable glasses at very affordable prices. For many of these websites you can sign up to get emails from them in which most of them will give you a discount code to use on your first pair. I hope this helps you not only get your glasses on a budget but to also stay stylin & profilin!



  1. Great post! Although I don't need glasses, you make me wanna buy some for fashion!

    1. Hahahaha! Thank you! You can always get some specs!

  2. Wish I knew this earlier this but I will be looking online also. Thanks for the tip!!!

    1. You're welcome! Never too late to add a spare pair to the collection :).
