Wednesday, September 10, 2014

And Baby Makes 4....


Miss Khloe Ann made her debut into the world Thursday, September 4, 2014, just two days shy of her due date. After having contractions off and on for weeks and having a scheduled induction for the 4th that got cancelled at the last minute due to other emergencies, my baby girl decided that wasn't going to stop no show!! 

Since last Wednesday (9/3) was my last day of work, me and my bodyguard...

*In case you didn't know lol!*

...was up early Thursday morning to walk around our subdivision to see if we could get this show started. I had a few contractions that morning but nothing really strong or consistent so I thought nothing of it. We walked a little over a mile and then came back inside to shower as I was going to run some errands later and go to the grocery store to prepare for the birth. Well after my shower the contractions started again. But of course since it's been happening for weeks I just thought they would stop after I drunk some water. I timed them for a hour and they were getting stronger and closer together. So I texted my husband at work to tell him it may be time but I was going to time them for another hour and then let him know. I didn't want him coming home and then they stopped and I didn't want to go to the hospital with a false alarm. Well that hour turned into 20 mins after calling my doctor and the nurse telling me to head to the hospital. 

We get there around 11:30am and I get checked and I'm 4cm dilated and they admit me to get the show on the road. Yay!! So after about six hours, my doctor breaking my water, and of course the miracle drug of an epidural (ahhhhhhhh....a slice of heaven), our baby girl entered the world at 5:06pm after about 8 pushes. She was 7lb 4oz, 20 inches long and very alert from the minute she entered the world. It was love at first sight and I cried my eyes out the second I saw her! She's such a sweet baby and her big sister is in love with her :)! It is so cute to finally see my girls together after months of anticipation, my heart just explodes with love!

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