Wednesday, May 7, 2014

DIY: Burp Cloths

Ok, I promise every DIY project will not be baby related (lol) but I'm enjoying making stuff this time around. So, today I'm bringing you another super easy DIY on making burp clothes. 

I really had no intentions of making these but I've been window shopping for the baby and also buying items for other friends I have that are expecting. And no matter what store I go in burp cloths seemed to be pretty pricey. I mean after all, it's going to be used to clean up drool, milk and throw up. Yuck! Lol! I was in the store the other day and saw 3 small burp cloths on sale for $8.99. Did I mention that was a sale price???? I like really nice quality burp cloths that are pretty but actually get the job done. So I headed to YouTube.....

I found plenty of tutorials there and some people made them out of towels, some out of terry cloth and some bought the plain white Gerber cloths from the store and just added fabric to make it pretty. I didn't want to buy the white burp clothes because I could just use those as is and it would defeat the purpose to me. So I went to a couple fabric stores (Hobby Lobby and Joann's) and picked up three 1/4 yard of flannel fabric and 1 yard of terry cloth. With buying everything I spent around $10 (using coupons and buying items on sale of course). I was able to make 6 burp cloths out of all my supplies, so about $1.67 each which is a great price. Here is my fabric cut and ready. 
With each 1/4 yard of flannel fabric I cut it  in half so I got 2 cloths from each piece of fabric. I did not do any measuring, I just used the 1/4 yard as is and cut the terry cloth to match. I knew these would not be perfect and I honestly wasn't trying to make them perfect. I didn't use any sewing pins either to hold the fabric together. Yeah, I'm kinda a rebel haha!

***FYI: Before I even started doing anything with the fabric, I washed and dried everything to account for any fabric shrinking.***

Before sewing the two pieces together I flipped the printed flannel fabric on the wrong side so when I turned it inside out after I was done the print would be on the right side. 

So, I pulled out my sewing machine and got to work. Like I said earlier I didn't measure anything, I just sewed it all around about an inch from the edge so I could just cut off the excess. 

I also left a small opening at one end so I would be able to turn it on the right side. 

I just used the opening to tuck it in itself to get it on the right side and then tucked in the extra fabric and sewed it close. This part I was not great at but they came out okay for me since it was my first time and I was not overly concerned with them being perfect.

Here are the finished burp cloths...
For one of them (with the turtles and elephants) I used no sew iron-on tape to close instead of sewing and it came out just fine. So for all of you non-sewing mommas, I think the no sew tape could work for the entire project, just make sure to use the heavy duty version. 

Now when I started this blog I said I would share the good, bad and ugly. Well, the ugly is here! I tried to make one of them in a hour glass sort of shape and it was a bit too fancy for me. This was my vision...
But this is was my reality...

Can we say #fail????? Lol! When I showed it to my husband I said this one will never leave the house! Free handing the shape actually wasn't too bad but it looks horrible lol! This burp cloth shall never see the light of day unless it's the sun shining through the window. Hahaha!

I still have 2 more I need to finish but I'm in no rush. Although I'm still not great at it, sewing is becoming a hobby of mine and it's relaxing. So although I don't "need" to make all of the items I am making I am enjoying it and it's much cheaper than buying these items pre-made. And it's also nice to see what I can actually do when I put my mind to it.  Less than 6 months ago I was still trying to figure out how to even thread the dern sewing machine and now I'm actually making things I can use *pats self on back*. And if you don't need burp cloths for yourself, you can always make some for friends or family. Or you can even make these into dish towels for yourself or your favorite couple as a personalized gift :).

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