Monday, January 6, 2014

Recipe: Garlic Toast Pizza

As any working mom at the end of the day I barely have enough energy and time to cook dinner.  If I don't have something on a plate in 30 minutes or less, my child acts like she will starve to death!  

I like meals that are quick and easy and today I tried a new one that was a BIG HIT!  My 4-year old loves pizza so I know she wouldn't object and she was super excited that she was able to help.  I got this recipe from another blog (sorry, forgot the name) but I didn't follow an exact recipe, just went with the flow.  I figured this would be pretty hard to screw up (lol), so here is what you need for this meal...
  • Garlic Bread (loaf or toast)
  • Pizza Sauce
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Pepperoni*
  • Barbecue sauce*
  • Chicken*
*Of course the toppings are optional.  You can switch it up and use whatever you like on your pizza.  Just make sure to use all cooked ingredients, it will not be in the oven long enough to cook anything raw.

Preheat oven according to directions on box of garlic toast.  My oven gets really hot, so I set it to 350 degrees.  Am I the only one who sets like everything I cook on 350?????  No? Okay, back to the recipe.  I wanted barbecue chicken so I purchased some chicken tenders from the grocery store deli department and shredded them with my hands after taking off the skin.  Our favorite barbecue sauce is Sweet Baby Ray's so we already had some on hand and I mixed it together with the chicken.  I let the toast bake for about 5 minutes (just before they got brown) before adding the toppings.  I then removed them from the oven, added the pizza sauce, pepperoni or barbecue chicken, and topped it with the cheese in that order.  Popped them back in the oven for another 5-7 minutes, until the cheese was nice and melted and that's it!!  I also lined my pan with non stick aluminum foil to make for easy clean-up.  

This was super simple and I'm sure will be made in our house quite often.  It was delicious and OMG the barbecue chicken pizza was soooooo good!  I give this recipe 5 stars!

 Leave comments below if you try it!

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